About Us

We believe that a key to seeing true Revival is when every harvest field is engaged, and the only way every harvest field can be engaged is if ordinary people - not just ministry leaders or "Super Christians" - are equipped with essential tools to share the Gospel, share their testimony, pray for needs, and lead an unbeliever to faith in Jesus Christ.
Taking concepts from Book Five of the Discover Discipleship course, the Mission Encounter Simulcast provides a powerful primer in these areas, and will provide essential training useful to any believer who is seeking to engage their harvest field - whether it be their town, their job, their school, their business, or even their family. The Mission Encounter pairs practical, step-by-step teaching with interviews and testimonies from people who are actually applying these principals to every mission field and seeing amazing results - from pulpit evangelists seeing people saved in worship services to teenager seeing their friends encounter Jesus in a school gymnasium.
This teaching is most effective when engaged with a group of people. Between moments of teaching, there will also be time for participants to interact with one another and immediately practice these concepts with one another. This gives people practice in a trusted, low-stakes environment, helps you get used to interacting with people in a spiritual way, and often even leads to participants themselves receiving healings, prophetic words, and a refreshing of the Holy Spirit.
These Simulcasts will be offered on multiple dates this summer, and will be streamed online, from a secure webpage provided to you leading up to the training.
To engage with teaching you will require only a few things:
An internet connection
A screen to show the teaching on
Participants to engage with
A copy of the Discover Mission Workbook for each participant
These simulcasts can be accessed from any web-enabled device, so participating in a church, a home, or anywhere is easy. However, again, we do recommend that you engage with this teaching in a group setting. We encourage you to invite any and all believer who are ready to take a step in equipping themselves to be a Disciple of Jesus who makes other Disciples of Jesus.
If you would like to host a Mission Encounter Simulcast, please fill out the form below and we will send final information to you so that you can be prepared for this powerful teaching and invite the people in your network that would benefit from this course.